Go Nuke — in Berkeley???

Wherever I travel in the Bay Area, I’m always on the lookout for car bumper stickers with hypocritical messages about oil, energy and the environment, as possible entries in an upcoming second edition of my Concourse of Hypocrisy. But my jaw hit the pavement when I unexpectedly came upon this anti-hypocritical pro-nuclear power sticker — in Berkeley, of all places:

In all my years, I have never seen a pro-nuke bumper sticker — especially in Berkeley, which is after all a nuclear-free zone.

The same fad-conscious environmentalists who opposed nuclear power in the ’80s are now the ones obsessed with “global warming,” but in the sweetest of ironies the Great Global Warming Hoax has given a huge boost to the moribund nuclear power industry, since nuclear plants create energy without producing greenhouse gas emissions. What a dilemma!

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