New, at Pajamas Media:

South Park is the least of Islam’s problems: The Mohammed Image Archive displays every Mohammed portrait ever created

The existence of the Mohammed Image Archive is old news to long-standing zombietime readers, but the recent South Park brouhaha reminded me that many people are still not aware of it, and continue to think Mohammed depictions are taboo or hard to find. This new essay is a reminder that Mohammed pictures are commonplace, at least on the Internet. And it’s also the first time I’ve ever blogged about the Mohammed Image Archive, because I first created it back in 2005, before zomblog was added to this site!

A sample, to whet your appetite:

In 1928, Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company (a German firm which had developed concentrated beef extract and bouillon cubes) issued a series of advertising trading cards to promote its canned beef extract products. The 1928 card set (one of hundreds of different designs issued by the company over the years, on various themes) illustrated six different pivotal points in Mohammed’s life. The most beautiful of the cards was the second one, seen here, which showed the Archangel Gabriel escorting Mohammed up to the presence of Allah in Paradise — the climax of his legendary “Night Journey.” (The full set of all six cards are visible on the Archive’s Miscellaneous Mohammed page.)